Hire an Inspirational Safety Speaker To Improve Safety in Your Company
Safety Up is a Motivational Safety Speaking company which was formed in June 2014, 3 years to the day after Dylan Skelhorn suffered severe life-changing injuries after a 33 feet fall from height.
Safety Speaking is a great way to highlight the dangers and consequences of an accident and makes people realise how a life-changing accident would affect their lives and their loved ones’ lives. There are numerous ways of presenting the story but the message is always the same – “Don’t do what I did” and “Your safety is Paramount”.
Telling the story of an accident in layman’s terms is a great way for people to relate the story to their circumstances and way of life and makes them aware that this could easily happen to them if they don’t act and work safely at all times. Motivational Safety Speakers work in any industry and at any level from shop floor to CEO.
Motivational Safety Speaking at its Best
The best way to present Dylan’s story is via a live presentation (face to face) which is usually done with a projected PowerPoint presentation and with props. Or it can be just a an informal toolbox talk or even site tours to speak to employees. These can range from as little as ten minutes up to two hours. We will always consult with the client to find the best channel for a safety talk.
Virtual Safety Speakers: Health and Safety At Work
A new way of presenting the story due to the Coronavirus Pandemic is through a virtual presentation via the Zoom or Microsoft Teams platforms. This can also be useful for toolbox talks on a one to one basis or to a few people who have had an issue or near miss or minor accident on site will freshen the safety message and make them realise why we need to keep working as safely as possible. This method can be more desirable and beneficial cost-wise and logistically.
Dylan receives many positive comments and feedback after every presentation and welcomes you to find out more information, or book Dylan for a Motivational Health & Safety Speech.